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Our objective is to introduce and market the Vigorfluss range of products in countries accross the world, drawing on the notable experience gained in Italy, the country of origin.

The different Vigorfluss projects cover domestic, commercial and industrial uses in public and private areas.

In public and private fields we may highlight the following tools:

  • The implementation of Vigorfluss technology in water Management Companies (including in Municipal areas)
  • The implementation of Vigorfluss technology in Public Bodies
  • The implementation of Vigorfluss technology in the Hospitality Industry

    Progress and the steady increase in urban population make it necessary to research and make better use of water and energy resources. We who work at Vigorfluss, either in the search for technological solutions or in the application of our preventive and reparative projects for better water and energy use, believe that the nearly always deficient “business” of Municipal Companies should not be limited to the collection.


    Progress and the steady increase in population and in related services make it necessary to research and make better use of water and energy resources. We who work at Vigorfluss, either in the search for technological solutions or in the application of our preventive and reparative projects regarding water and energy use, believe that the nearly always deficient “business” of public services should not be limited to the use of water and energy, but should include the conservation of the water and energy resources they have available. This is a big responsibility, since there should be a change of attitude towards the search for a new climate of energy cooperation and water management.


    Progress and the steady increase in tourist traffic and related services make it necessary to research and make better use of water and energy resources. We who work at Vigorfluss, either in the search for technological solutions or in the application of our preventive and reparative projects regarding water and energy use believe it is essential to be able to optimize the availability of water and energy in such a major and complex industry and this involves conserving available water and energy resources.